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Colombians in Toronto say Yes to Peace
Saturday, September 24th
3:30-6:00 pm
Member Lounge, 3rd floor, City Hall, 100 Queen St W
We are a group of Colombians from different backgrounds who have come together to organize a cultural event marking a key historical moment for our country. The purpose of the event is to support the peace deal between the Colombian government and the The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the October 2 plebiscite. The event is open to all those who share the desire of Colombians to live in a country at peace and wish to join us in this expression of hope.

During 60 years of armed conflict we have seen how violence has claimed the precious lives of so many Colombians, regardless of age, sex and social class, but especially preying on the poorest and most vulnerable sectors of our society. It has also devastated homes and entire villages, destroying the hopes and dreams of generations.
We believe it is time to shake off the horrors of the past and start building the future we deserve. We invite you to show the world your support for the agreements and with an open heart give a giant YES to peace in the upcoming plebiscite.
For further information please contact:


Statement of the Network of Intellectual, Artists and Social Movement, In Defense of Humanity for Peace in Colombia


 All the men and women in Our America who have dedicated their lives and efforts to end the civil injustice, exploitation, violence and marginalization that generations after generations have had to endure  from the rancid oligarchy that has managed to control the course of our history for their total benefit must now support with all their efforts the final solution of the conflict between successive Governments of Colombia and the guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP) which has been one of the longest conflicts with the most serious consequences in our America. 

La Red de Intelectuales, Artistas y Movimientos Sociales en Defensa de la Humanidad por la paz en Colombia.


 Todo aquel – hombres y mujeres – que en Nuestra América ha dedicado su vida y sus esfuerzos a intentar poner fin a la secular injusticia, explotación, violencia y marginación a la que, generaciones tras generaciones, ha sido sometido el bravo pueblo nuestroamericano por una rancia oligarquía que ha logrado controlar a su entero beneficio el curso de nuestra historia, no puede sino apoyar con todas sus fuerzas la solución definitiva de uno de los conflictos de mayor duración y más graves consecuencias, como lo ha sido el que se ha mantenido entre los sucesivos Gobiernos de Colombia y los guerrilleros de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP).

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Adhesiones: apoyolapazencolombia@gmail.com


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