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CV and publications of Yiorgos Chouliaras

Yiorgos Chouliaras

He is the author of Roads of Ink and five previous volumes of poetry in Greek as well as numerous essays – in Greek and in English – on literature, cultural history, and international relations. Reviews of and translations from his work have been published in leading periodicals, including Agenda, Grand Street, Harvard Review, Méditerranéennes, Modern Poetry in Translation, Ploughshares, Poetry, and World Literature Today. An excerpt from his memoir America Is No Longer Here appeared in Greece: A Traveler’s Literary Companion, ed. by Artemis Leontis, while his work is included in New European Poets by Wayne Miller & Kevin Prufer and other notable anthologies. Samples of his work are accessible online.
A founding editor of the influential Greek literary & arts reviews Tram and Hartis and an editor of literary and scholarly periodicals in the United States, he was the third writer from Greece, after Odysseus Elytis and George Savidis, to serve on the jury of the Neustadt International Prize for Literature. An Emeritus Member of the Board of the Ottawa International Writers Festival, he was elected and served on the Executive Board of the Hellenic Authors’ Society as Vice President for international relations.
He was Director of the Press & Communication Office and Press Counsellor at the Embassy of Greece in Dublin, Ireland. He has previously worked as Press Counsellor at the Greek Embassy in Washington, D.C., in Boston, Massachusetts, in Athens during the Olympic Games, and at the Greek Embassy in Canada. Born in Thessaloniki and educated at Anatolia College, Reed College, and The Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, he worked for many years in New York as a university lecturer, advisor to cultural institutions, correspondent, and press officer at the Greek Press & Communication Office at the United Nations.

Posted by the editor on 2009/11/16



Chouliaras 2012+ LINKS













[2015 θερινό ηλιοστάσιο/summer solstice, Χρήστος Κούκης/Christos Koukis]


Ο Γιώργος Χουλιάρας διαβάζει ποίησή του για το POETICANET

Yiorgos Chouliaras reading from his poetry for POETICANET

Ποιήματα από την αναδρομική έκδοση Δρόμοι της μελάνης (Νεφέλη, 2005)

Poems from Roads of Ink [New & Selected Poems] (Athens: Nefeli, 2005)

Λήμματα από το Λεξικό αναμνήσεων (Μελάνι, 2013)

Entries from the Dictionary of Memories (Athens: Melani, 2013)


από το Λεξικόαναμνήσεων/from Dictionary of Memories

Αυτοβιογραφία & λογοτεχνία (Autobiography & literature)


αποσπάσματα από το Γράμμα (excerpts from Letter)



ποιήματα από το Επίγραμμα / poems fromEpigram

Αναίρεσητουδυισμού (Refutation of Dualism)

Αντιγόνη (Antigone)   

Συνεντεύξειςσυγγραφέων(Writers Interviewed)

Ανύπανδροςμοδίστρα (Unmarried Dressmaker)

Στοδικότουςνησί (On Their Own Island)


από το Λεξικόαναμνήσεων/from Dictionary of Memories

Λατινικά (Latin)         


Στοκέντροτουνερού (In the Center of Water)


από τη σειρά Μυστικά του επαγγέλματος / from SecretsoftheTrade

Τακτοποίηση (“Listerature”)

Τοαρχαιότεροεπάγγελμα (The Oldest Profession)

Σκαντζόχοιρος & αλεπού (The Hedgehog & the Fox)

ΑνωνύμουΧριστιανούαντιγραφέως (To an Ancient Christian Scribe)

Ότανμιλάηπείρα (When Experience Speaks)


Οι στρατιώτες του Αλέξανδρου αρνούνται να προχωρήσουν

(Alexander’s Soldiers Refuse to Go On)

ΕλληνόγλωσσονΞενοδοχείον (Greek-Language Hotel)

Επικράτηση του έρωτα (LovePrevails)


αποσπάσματα από το Μολύβι στο ψωμί (excerpts from PencilinBread)

Φύλαξα στο ψωμί …

Όχι εγώ, αλλά ο άγιος γραμματεύς της παλαιάς εκείνης επιστολής …

Έξω, ψηλά, κοντά στο τυφλό φως …

Τότε …

ψωμί, πικρό ψωμί …

             … προσέξτε


Ο Γιώργος Χουλιάρας (Εικονομαχικά, 1972, Λεξικό αναμνήσεων, 2013) γεννήθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη και έζησε πολλά χρόνια στη Νέα Υόρκη, ενώ το 2014 τιμήθηκε με το Βραβείο Ουράνη της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών για το σύνολο του έργου του.

Yiorgos Chouliaras (Iconoclasm, 1972, Dictionary of Memories, 2013) was born in Thessaloniki and lived for many years in New York. In 2014, he was awarded the Ouranis Prize of the Academy of Athens for his work in its entirety.


Academy of Athens Literary Prize for Yiorgos Chouliaras in 2014

Yiorgos Chouliaras received the Academy of Athens Prize for Fiction given for “his work in its entirety” by the Kostas & Eleni Ourani Foundation that funds this literary lifetime achievement award. The citation noted the author’s “innovative writing and his impressive ability to offer continuously unexpected, inspired creations.” Chouliaras is the author of the “alphabetical novel” Dictionary of Memories (2013), an anti-memoir structured as a dictionary. He has previously published several collections of poetry, including Iconoclasm [Image-Fighting] (1972), his first book, The Treasure of the Balkans (1988), Fast Food Classics (1992), Gramma [Letter] (1995), and the retrospective volume Roads of Ink (2005), as well as numerous essays, in Greek and in English, on literature, cultural history, and international relations. His work in English translation has been published in major periodicals and anthologies, while it has been translated into several other languages. Born in Thessaloniki, he has studied, lived and worked in Oregon, New York, Canada, Boston, Washington, DC, and Dublin before returning to Athens.


2014 Academy of Athens list of prizes (in Greek)


Athens World Poetry Festival (Chouliaras bio in English)


Hellenic Authors’ Society (Chouliaras bio in Greek)


Poieinkaiprattein (Chouliaras interview excerpts & related information)


Yiorgos Chouliaras reading in Greek his poem REFUGEES (Πρόσφυγες) at a Lamentation (Klauthmonos) Square event in Athens in September 2013:


   Regarding the appearance of this poem as “code poetry” on Athens walls, please see:




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