Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Kunstwerke / art works 1977-1988



A personal gift by Roger for our wedding Hatto Fischer and Anna Arvanitaki in Athens 15.9.1988.Servais

The painting has something special which is characteristic of Roger Servais. He sub-divides space into positive and negative whereby both say something or add to the expression. The use of space is a huge challenge to any artist and not all know how to resolve it. Even figures set at the back like a stage design means something in terms of time and place.

To this has to be added his way of handling colours. By breaking them down even finer he enlists colours often not perceived by our eyes used to a spectrum consisting only of black, white, red, blue, purple and organge. His paintings speak a far greater nuanced language of colours. They allow to capture a quivering of light. 



Aesthetics of beauty can be entailed simply in lines. Nuances are the lips. They speak their own language just as does the shoulder or the hair. In German, the word 'Andeutung' says a lot can be said when something is merely hinted at without having to be explained fully. The power of expression stems from a calmness so often amiss when people are perceived and even more so are made a portrait thereof. As if they always hurry through life, and that includes Roger Servais himself, here she shows what can also be done when an etching is done on a tin can. For the art is to be able to use materials and bring about such beautiful expressions.



    Frightened woman / ängstliche Frau

Once an Israeli woman visited him, Roger Servais told me, but when in Berlin she was so frightened that she stood on her bed and did even wish to step down onto the floor, never mind go outside into the streets. It is known that many Jews have avoided coming to Germany after what happened during the Holocaust. Fear is a deep seated element which Roger Servais himself feels as well even in 2016. He is sensitive to what happens around him and has a clear judgement about those persons and groups which have abandoned completely their ethical compass. That is entailed in his reference to Ikarus.

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