Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Online training courses

Web conferences

Example: Vancouver, Canada, April 2005

“In recent years an affordable set of tools has become available to museum educators and others who wish to rapidly produce online presentations. Tools such as Microsoft Producer, Articulate Presenter, and Macromedia Breeze allow anyone familiar with PowerPoint to create rich-media presentations and publish them via the Internet, an Intranet, a CD-ROM, or e-mail. Educators in a variety of settings are using these tools to inexpensively create high quality interactive presentations. These presentations can help prepare groups for a museum trip, deliver follow-up materials to visitors, or provide essential educational resources on a museum website. They can take the form of customized online catalogues or even complete online courses.”


ENCATC Training offers

ON-THE-MOVE / ENCATC TRAINING FOR MOBILITY AND INTER-CULTURAL RELATIONS "Mobility, intercultural competence, cultural cooperation in the age of digital spaces. Networking and virtual networking as learning experiences"
Helsinki, Finland | 08 September 2005

The development in the late years of an increased number of artistic projects based on intercultural competences, the need for mobility and the reshaping of a cultural cooperation space (within Europe and beyond Europe) requests a specific way to address these issues by what we can broadly call ‘the cultural operators (mediators, organisers, producers, artists-manager, etc.). Recent studies commissioned by European organisations or the EU are bringing forward mobility as a key issue for the development of a European and international space for the arts, respectful of diversity , but also creator of shared professional standards. On the other hand, the intersection between virtual and real networks, the ‘material’ and the ‘digital’ space of dialogue (de-materialised space) produces new forms of facilitating exchange and connecting realities. Instruments like portals and websites, artistic experiments produced in the cyberspace are becoming a ‘culture’ in themselves. Communication, information, selection of information; art, forms, media, interfaces, are all submitted today to the virtualisation of the traditional dimensions of time and space.

Mobility, inter-culturalism and co-operation are redefined. There is a need to ‘teach’ and to learn about this re-definition and invent, use and disseminate new training contents about these matters.
Many cultural organisations in Europe, among which IETM, initiated in the late years cultural portals, data bases and online information resources dedicated specifically to cultural mobility and cooperation. On-The-Move, OCPA, ACRONI, MARCEL are some of them. Instruments in development , put at the service of IETM members and European and international cultural community( artists and managers) these ‘digital tools’ are appropriated laboratories for the reality check of the shift from traditional to broader ways of understanding mobility;
The session will use these examples, as facilitators and boosters of capacities and knowledge about these three key aspects of international cultural relations. They will show how on-line instruments can be at the cross road between cultural networking, information, data base gathering and mobility.

This initiative forms part of the G2CC (Gateway to Cultural Collaboration) project, supported by the European Union - Directorate General for Education and Culture (Dec2004-Dec2006) and is run in an active partnership with the four G2CC co-organisers: ERICarts Institute www.ericarts.org, European Cultural Foundation/Laboratory of European Cultural Cooperation www.eurocult.org, Fitzcarraldo Foundation www.fitzcarraldo.it/en, and On-the-move Association www.on-the-move.org

More infomation:


ENCATC ACADEMY "Designing an educational program in cultural entrepreneurship"
Sibelius Academy, Helsinki (Finland) | 9 - 11 September 2005

More and more artistic and cultural productions are carried out by private enterprises. New art forms are very often started by activities of private people, who have personally bearded the risk.
On the other hand state and municipal cultural arts organisations expect very often that their employers should work in an entrepreneurial way. Governments have been lately interested in Cultural industries as an important growing sector in the economy, when many traditional branches of industry and trade diminishing. So there is a need to build up educational programmes in Cultural Entrepreneurship or to include new modules in the existing ones.

• To find some models to design a training module or an Educational Program in Cultural Entrepreneurship.
• To recognise what kind of skills are needed in the cultural business area;
• To find ways how to build the connection from education to cultural companies and business organisations;
• To define the basic elements and subjects in the content of the program;
• To introduce didactic options in the teaching and learning of Cultural Entrepreneurship;
• To introduce some good practices in the training of Cultural Entrepreneurship.

More infomation:


2nd ENCATC WORKSHOP "Enhacing the European Co-operation in the cultural management higher and vocational education area"
Université Pierre Mendès, Grenoble (France) | 08 - 09 December 2005

The «Bologna process» opens, theoretically, unexpected opportunities for the reinforcement of the European cooperation aspect of cultural management higher education and vocational education. In order to help network members to better understanding the challenge of this process, in 2005, ENCATC organises in Grenoble, a major workshop to look into the future challenges that we all are facing in relation to the implementation of the Bologna process.

More infomation:



Further education and training in restoration work

From: Angela Weyer weyer@hornemann-institut.de [7]

Subject: Weiterbildung von Restauratoren

Date:  Fri, 2 Sep 2005 09:06:09 +0100


Weiterbildung von Restauratoren

an der HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst in Hildesheim

Seit diesem Jahr nimmt sich der Fachbereich Konservierung und Restaurierung der HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst dem Auftrag der Hochschulen zur Weiterbildung verstärkt an und bietet in seinen Räumlichkeiten Workshops für Restauratoren an. Zur Zeit sind zwei Workshops im Angebot:

* Mikrobieller Befall von Kunst- und Kulturgut

* Schädigung von Kulturgut durch Salze

Veranstaltungsort ist Hildesheim. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 10 Personen begrenzt. Besonderen Raum nimmt die Diskussion über den Einsatz  in der beruflichen Praxis der TeilnehmerInnen ein.

Der Workshop zur Mikrobiologie am 20./21.10.2005  richtet sich an alle Interessierte, die in ihrem Beruf mit mikrobieller Belastung von Kulturobjekten konfrontiert sind. Die TeilnehmerInnen werden den Nachweis von verschiedenen Mikrobenarten kennen lernen sowie Probeentnahmetechniken und die Vorbereitung der Proben für den Versand. Schließlich werden verschiedene Tests zur Aktivitätsbestimmung und zur Biozidanwendung eingeübt.

Im Workshop zur Schädigung durch Salze lernen die TeilnehmerInnen Instrumente zur Feuchte-, Temperatur und  Leitfähigkeitsmessung praktisch kennen sowie den Nachweis von Salzen.

Weitere Informationen: www.hornemann-institut.de


Dr. Angela Weyer


HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Fachhochschule Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen Fachbereich Konservierung und Restaurierung


Kardinal-Bertram-Strasse 36

31134 Hildesheim

Tel. +49 5121 408179

Fax. +49 5121 408185

Homepage: http://www.hornemann-institut.de



From: Helen Alten <helen@collectioncare.org>

Subject: On-Line Exhibit Fundamentals Course

Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 23:17:11 -0500



Northern States Conservation Center announces a new on-line training course in exhibit fundamentals.

MS106: Exhibit Fundamentals: Ideas to Installation

Instructor: Lin Nelson-Mayson

Dates: October 3 - 28, 2005

Location: Over the Internet

Nearly every museum develops exhibits, but how can we improve communication with our visitors while presenting our objects to their best advantage?

This course explores museum exhibits from initial idea to final installation in a variety of museum settings.  Topics covered include exhibit theory, the role of the museum's mission, creating a time line, intellectual and physical accessibility, writing the exhibit script and other interpretive texts, the role of design elements (sequencing, color, graphics, lighting, audio-visual), basic installation techniques (including placement guides and hanging framed artwork), object safety and security (including mount-making), visitor safety, and types of exhibit evaluations.

Each student will develop an exhibit plan based on their museum's own exhibit goals.


The course will last for four weeks.  The course format is self-paced through 6 sections.  The instructor will be available at predetermined intervals throughout the course.  This course will include on-line literature, slide lectures, and student-teacher/group-teacher dialog.  The course is limited to 20 participants.


Course Outline:

Introduction: Exhibition Theory and the Museums Mission

1. What is an Exhibition?

- Mission and Exhibitions

- What makes a good exhibition?

- Types of exhibitions

- Finding ideas for exhibitions

2. Intellectual and Physical Accessibility & Exhibition Evaluations

- Intellectual Accessibility

- Physical Accessibility

3. Types of Evaluations

- Creating a Timeline and Writing Texts

- Developing and exhibition concept

- "Team" exhibition development

- Developing an exhibition timeline

- Budgeting for an exhibition

- Writing labels

4.  The Role of Design Elements and Basic Installation Techniques

- Light

- Color

- Sequencing and Floor Plan

- Graphics

- Audio-visual

- Fabrication

- Specific Installation Techniques

5.  Object and Visitor Safety

- Mount making and handling

- Potential hazards to exhibited objects

- Object security

- Visitor safety and security

- Exhibition maintenance

6.  Conclusion

- Museum Exhibition Standards of Excellence

- Current Issues in Museum Exhibitions

- Complete Exhibit Plan

Lin Nelson-Mayson, with over 25 years of museum experience at small and large institutions, recently joined us as a museumclasses.org instructor after being the Director of ExhibitsUSA, a nonprofit exhibition touring organization that annually tours over 30 art and humanities exhibitions across the country.  For five years she was a coordinator or judge (two years) for the American Association of Museums' Excellence in Exhibitions Competition.  She currently serves on the Exhibition Committee for the National Sculpture Society. Ms Nelson-Mayson has extensive experience with the planning, preparation, research and installation of exhibitions and the decision-making processes each museum must go through to ensure that the exhibition aids in the fulfillment of the museum's mission.  Ms Nelson-Mayson's experience includes teaching museum studies and museology courses.  Her particular interest is the needs of small museums.

Her credentials include the following:

- An MFA from The Ohio State University in sculpture and critical  writing.

- A BFA from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in painting.

- Work as a curator for the Ross County Historic Society (Chillicothe, OH), the Art Museum of South Texas (Corpus Christi), the Columbia Museum of Art (SC), and the Minnesota Museum of American Art (St.


- An active member of the American Association of Museums, the Association of Midwest Museums, and past chair of the Minnesota Association of Museums.

If you are interested in the course, please sign up at www.museumclasses.org and pay for the course at  http://www.collectioncare.org/tas/tas.html.  If you have trouble completing  an on-line order, please contact Helen Alten at helen@collectioncare.org or  Eric Swanson at eric@collectioncare.org


Cultural Heritage Network in Canada links training to ongoing conferences, seminars and workshops:

1 Professional Specialization Ceritificate in Heritage Conservation Planning
Victoria, University of Victoria


2 Master of Science in Communication Technology-Enhanced Communication for Cultural Heritage (TEC-CH)
Lugano, Switzerland, Faculty of Communication Sciences University of Lugano, Switzerland, in cooperation with Politecnico of Milano, Italy


3 Determining Significance of Heritage Resources
distance learning - anywhere, Cultural Resource Management Program, University of Victoria, May 09, 2005 - July 29, 2005


4 School for Scanning: Building Good Digital Collections
Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA USA, Northeast Document Conservation Center, June 01, 2005 - June 03, 2005


5 Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC) 2005 Annual Conference
Montréal Science Centre, Montreal, QC, Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC), June 02, 2005 - June 04, 2005


6 Call for Session Proposals for 2005 CASC Conference
Montreal, Quebec, Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC), June 02, 2005 - June 04, 2005


7 Association des archivistes du Québec (AAQ) Congrès annuel 2005
Lac Delage (QC), Association des archivistes du Québec (AAQ), June 02, 2005 - June 04, 2005


8 Cultural New Media Days at EXPO 2005
Canadian Pavilion, EXPO 2005, Aichi, Japan, Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN), Canadian Culture Online (CCO), Culture.ca, June 06, 2005 - June 08, 2005


9 Preventive Conservation: Reducing Risk to Collections DEADLINE December 20, 2004
Rome, Italy, Canadian Conservation Insitute (CCI) and International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), June 06, 2005 - June 24, 2005


10 Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) Conference 2005: "Theory and Practice"
Saskatoon, SK, Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA), June 08, 2005 - June 11, 2005


11 Canadian Museums Association (CMA) Annual Conference 2005
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canadian Museums Association, June 08, 2005 - June 11, 2005


12 Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) Conference 2005: Realising Standards
London, UK, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC), June 12, 2005 - June 18, 2005


13 Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM) Conference 2005
Des Moines, Iowa, Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM), June 12, 2005 - June 16, 2005


14 Heritage Conservation Planning
Victoria, BC, University of Victoria, June 13, 2005 - June 18, 2005


15 Canadian Library Association (CLA) Conference 2005
Calgary, AB, Canadian Library Association (CLA), June 15, 2005 - June 18, 2005


16 Heritage Harbour Revitalization
Victoria, BC, University of Victoria, June 20, 2005 - June 25, 2005


17 American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta (AABGA) Conference 2005
Chicago, Illinois, American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta (AABGA), June 28, 2005 - July 02, 2005


18 HMS2005 Heritage Microbiology and Science
Portsmouth, UK, University of Portsmouth / Mary Rose Trust, June 29, 2005 - July 02, 2005


19 The Future of the Twentieth Century: Collecting, Interpreting and Conserving Modern Materials
Winchester, UK, AHRC Research Centre for Textile Conservation and Textile Studies, July 26, 2005 - July 28, 2005


20 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Conference 2005:
Oslo, Norway, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), August 14, 2005 - August 18, 2005


21 Society of American Archivists (SAA) Conference 2005
New Orleans, LA, Society of American Archivists (SAA), August 15, 2005 - August 21, 2005


22 Digital Resources for the Humanities (DRH) Conference 2005
Lancaster, UK, Digital Resources for the Humanities (DRH), September 04, 2005 - September 07, 2005


23 Building Community Relationships
Distance Education Opportunity, University of Victoria, September 12, 2005 - December 16, 2005


24 Studies in Building Conservation: Wood
Victoria, BC, University of Victoria, September 12, 2005 - September 17, 2005


25 Our Cultural past - Your Future!
The Hague, Netherlands, ICOM-CC, September 12, 2005 - September 16, 2005


26 Heritage Canada 2005 Conference: Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development (deadline for proposals: January 4, 2005)
Regina, Saskatchewan, Heritage Canada Foundation, September 15, 2005 - September 17, 2005


27 Museums Principles and Practices
Distance education opportunity, Cultural Resource Management Program, University of Victoria, September 19, 2005 - December 20, 2005


28 Public Progamming
Distance Education Course, University of Victoria, September 19, 2005 - January 15, 2006


29 Association for Preservation Technology International (APTI) Conference 2005: "Managing Technology, Time, and Chaos"
Halifax, NS, Association for Preservation Technology International (APTI), September 21, 2005 - September 26, 2005


30 International Association of Museum Facility Administrators (IAMFA) Conference 2005
Bilbao, Spain, International Association of Museum Facility Administrators (IAMFA), September 25, 2005 - September 28, 2005


31 Société des musées québécois (SMQ) - Congrès annuel 2005
Québec (Québec), Société des musées québécois (SMQ), October 04, 2005 - October 06, 2005


32 Société des musées québécois (SMQ) - Congrès annuel 2005 : Fidéliser et développer nos publics
Québec (Québec), Société des musées québécois (SMQ), October 04, 2005 - October 06, 2005


33 BY DESIGN: An interdisciplinary Conference on issues of Design Education, Business and Material Culture
Toronto, Ontario, Design Exchange, October 12, 2005 - October 16, 2005


34 Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference 2005: Call for papers (deadline: December 17, 2004)
Richmond, Virginia, Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), October 15, 2005 - October 18, 2005


35 Performance Measures
Victoria, BC, University of Victoria, October 17, 2005 - October 22, 2005


36 Promoting Cultural Identity Through Sport
Calgary, Alberta, IASMHF, CASH, NASLIN, October 19, 2005 - October 21, 2005


37 Conference 2005: Creating a Cultural Restaurant
The Grand Okanagan Lakefront Resort & Conference Centre, co-hosted by Kelowna Art Gallery & Kelowna Museum Association, Kelowna, BC, BC Museums Association, October 19, 2005 - October 22, 2005


38 Museum Association [UK] Conference 2005
London, England, Museum Association [UK], October 24, 2005 - October 26, 2005


39 International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM2005)
Westin Charlotte, North Carolina, iKMS & ASIST, October 27, 2005 - October 28, 2005


40 American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) 2005 Annual Meeting
Charlotte, North Carolina, American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), October 28, 2005 - November 02, 2005


41 Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM) Annual Meeting 2005
Baltimore, MD, Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM), October 29, 2005 - October 31, 2005


42 Marketing and Development in Cultural Organizations
Victoria, BC, University of Victoria, October 31, 2005 - November 05, 2005


43 Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA) International Conference 2005
Jacksonville, Florida, Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA), November 02, 2005 - November 05, 2005


44 Museum Computer Network (MCN) Conference 2005: Digits Fugit! Preserving Knowledge into the Future
Boston, MA, Museum Computer Network (MCN), November 02, 2005 - November 05, 2005


45 Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) Conference 2005: Call for Papers (deadline: June 6, 2005)
San Francisco, California, Virtual Reference Desk (VRD), November 14, 2005 - November 15, 2005


46 New England Museum Association (NEMA) Conference 2005
Burlington, Massachusetts, New England Museum Association (NEMA), November 16, 2005 - November 18, 2005


47 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities
Honolulu, Hawaii, Hawaii International Conferences, January 11, 2006 - January 14, 2006


48 Small Museum Association (SMA) Conference 2006
Ocean City, Maryland, USA, Small Museum Association (SMA), February 26, 2006 - February 28, 2006


49 Canadian Museums Association Conference 2006 - call for papers (deadline May 13, 2005)
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canadian Museums Association (CMA), May 02, 2006 - May 08, 2006


50 Inter-Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA) Symposium 2006
San Jose, California, Inter-Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA), August 05, 2006 - August 13, 2006



European Commission - Training programs offered during definite funding periods


Prior Information Notice - Portal for learning opportunities (Ploteus,

portal for education and training opportunities throughout the European


OJ S85 (02.05.2003)

Estimated start date: 06-07.2003

This prior information notice concerns a contract in four lots:

Lot 1: Hosting the Ploteus portal

Lot 2: Maintenance of the Ploteus portal

Lot 3: Study on technical feasibility of the interconnection

Lot 4: Practical interconnection of existing national data banks



European Commission


Att: Gordon Clark

Head of Unit

rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200



Tel.: (32-2) 296 29 29

Fax: (32-2) 295 78 30

E-mail: Gordon.clark@cec.eu.int


Jerry Booth

Tel:  44 (0) 1482 868353

Fax: 44 (0) 870 0553950

47, Highgate,


HU17 0DN



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