Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Galleries on Potsdamer Street


Galleries in Potsdamer Street

The galleries can be reached by taking the subway to Kurfürstenstraße and then to walk in the direction of Potsdamer Platz. On the right side of the street, there looms ahead the former Tagesspiegel building.
However, prior to reaching that, there can be found already some other art spaces: a former pharmacy converted into a gallery, and then at Potsdamerstreet 91, the 'Freies Museum' can be found by going through the gateway to reach the courtyard.
As to the depleted Tagesspiegel building, one can get the wrong impression by looking up the new exhibition spaces in the former offices located in the front building, and from where one can look out onto the street. For cables and smudges on the carpet indicate where the former desks of the journalists were standing. While the art on display is more like a flee market exhibit. It has even art works on radiators and without any frames. No telling where all this art comes from, but it is mainly 'home made' stuff or to use a cruder expression merely junk. Things become counter productive when everything goes as art and everyone seeks to sell the one or other item even if a hand made postcard. Of course, the end of the year is approaching with nostalgic feelings making their way up to the surface. Still, it shows even a lack of respect and love for these art works when put on display at random and without really caring if they find a buyer or not. But then this expedition - auction replicates very much the state of the building itself. It has seen definitely better days and now appears like an abandoned ship gathering slowly but surely rust.
However, once standing in the backyard of Potsdamer 83, there can be find quite another scenery. While to the right are highly luxurious settings, and which seems to be a completely new addition to house the Nolan Judin gallery, to the left can be seen two brick houses with galleries on every floor of these three or four levels of houses.
Noteworthy is that before the Nolan Judin gallery comes, there has opened up a shop displaying not so much art, as there are along open racks brand new clothes all of a similar style. It is a fashion shop flown in, so to speak, from Paris. A sweater there costs 380 Euros upwards. The name of the brand is in reality a hybrid of reputation when linked to high art only affordable if you have lots of money. In a subtle way it is suggested to see the paintings you might as well wear such a sweater to look good besides the art works.


The gallery in the former pharmacy
Helga Maria Klosterfelde Edition
Potsdamerstraße 97
10785 Berlin



Freies Museum
Potsdamerstr. 91
10785 Berlin
Tel. 0049 (0) 30 34721814


Art galleries in the court yard of the former TAGESSPIEGEL building

Nolan Judin Gallery
Potsdamerstraße 83 (Hof), 
10785 Berlin
Tel. 0049 (0)30 39404840
401 Contemporary Gallery 
Potsdamerstrasse 81B
10785 Berlin (Tiergarten)
Tel. +49 (0) 30 473 777 83
Ralf-Otto Hänsel
Manzoni Schäper
Potsdamer Straße 77-87 Haus H
10785 Berlin
Rebeca Manzoni - gallery director


Produzenten Gallery Hamburg
Potsdamer Straße 81b
10785 Berlin
Tel. 0049 (0) 30 20215465



Potsdamerstreet 81b
10785 Berlin
Tel. 0049 (0)30 25 46 09 44


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