Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do



In Stockholm there will be a great many activities and manifestations to celebrate the day. There will be performances, exhibitions, discussions, concerts and film programmes all over the city. From the Culture Centre, one of the central parks, the Royal Opera and the City Theatre in the very middle of the city to libraries and schools in the suburbs the themes of the day will dominate almost all public events.

During the time leading up to May 5th a series of seminars and appetizers appear. The celebration of the new millennium presented a wide range of activities, including cultural events. In one of the central parks in Stockholm a continual flow of shorter events took place. Hue crowds of people met up. The Day of Culture, Freedom of Expression and Dialogue, was then announced, as it will be on such later dates and events in the spring as the International Book Day, the International Theatre Day, local fairs and manifestations and so on.

Freedom of Expression in the arts will be the theme for a seminar arranged by the Swedish Travelling Exhibitions in March and many other occasions during the spring will advertise May 5th.


All the events of the Day of Culture, Freedom of Expression and Dialogue, will be put together by the Culture Administration of Stockholm, but many other organizations will play important parts in the arrangements - the PEN Club, the Unions of Actors and Writers, Amnesty, The Swedish Helsinki Committee, FAIFE, KLYS, Intercult and many more.


Johan Etzler, coordinator

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